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We are driven by our passion for helping all Christ-followers live a Jesus-like disciple making way of life. Investing in others has been our driving force for many years. 

Leading Healthy Ministries Through...


Creating activities and events where Christ-followers can help people get connected WITH Jesus Christ and other Christ-followers.


Challenging leaders of ministries and individuals to cultivate a culture that encourages people to align themselves WITH Jesus’ passion, priorities, and practices.


Coaching Christ-followers and ministry leaders to be better equipped to live healthy, to lead well, and to encourage those around them to do the same.


Thessalonians 1:11-12

invest in others...

Out team is passionate about walking alongside pastors, ministry leaders and individuals to encourage and equip them as they follow God's calling. Financial partnership allows us to pour into these men and women so that they can live healthy and lead well. Would you prayerfully consider joining us on this mission?

© 2019 by Ministry Coaching MD. Proudly created with

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